This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Briarpatch Review, No. 2, Messages from the Briarpatch


You know whether you are a Briar or not. The Briarpatch Review is intended to be the membership magazine of the Briarpatch. There are no membership dues. If you wish to make a gift, to tithe, or share and help in any way, that’s wonderful–we need to hear from you! To be on the membership mailing lists and get future issues of The Briarpatch Review, write to us at ### Name Street, San Francisco, CA #####. If you would like to help cover the cost of The Birarpatch Review we estimate it at $5.00 a year.

Note: The above was originally published on paper in 1975. Things have changed and are not quite as described. Look at the tags for each page or post on this site to determine if it is of legacy value or current in status. If legacy, you see the tag “legacy.”

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