As a part of both the counterculture “food conspiracy” movement and the later development of “The People’s Food System,” dozens of Briars started food related businesses and many of the original Bay Area food coop businesses were Briars.
Independent of these efforts briars also started catering companies, restaurants, food manufacturing and distribution businesses, and farms influenced by the permaculture and ecological agriculture movements.
Food for Change: The Story of Cooperation in America
Steve Alves and his pal Rob Hagelsetin have created some valuable resources about coops in America (including food coops), their history, and their status today.
Crow Canyon Gardens was a small market garden that grew produce mainly for use in Mudd’s Restaurant. They also had an educational program teaching organic gardening and garden market business principles.
Shelley Arrowsmith at Arrowsmith Farms
Arrowsmith Farms
Chemical fertilizer and pesticide-free 2.5-acre market garden/farm in Sonoma County originally started as a Master of Arts in Business Thesis project. Selling to local restaurants and farmers’ markets for thirty-plus years.
Our Farm
Dave Blume’s Our Farm was an early community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm in Woodside, California.
Blume also founded the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture an organization championing ecological farming, permaculture, and the replacement of petroleum-based fuels with alcohol-based fuels.
Food Conspiracies and the People's Food System
“In a time before Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and organic produce in supermarkets, one had to shop rather widely in San Francisco to assemble a grocery list of whole foods and organic fruits and vegetables. In the early 1970s, for bulk dry goods there was Oh’s Fine Foods, a narrow storefront on Mission Street with a wooden floor and open burlap bags that felt as if it had been there for a century (and may have for all I know). For organic produce, there was the Alemany Farmer’s Market. For cheeses, there were various Italian delicatessens. You might travel to a store only because it carried a particular item, such as peanut butter without hydrogenated fats or cream cheese without additives.
“In that time of experimentation and alternative institutions, there arose groups that called themselves Food Conspiracies.
“In the 1970s, collaborative “food conspiracies” began to recede and food activists founded a network of worker-owned cooperative stores and businesses that became known as the People’s Food System. Offering employment to recently paroled prisoners and refugees from Central America, the system put its values into practice internally and externally. Campaigns to improve nutrition and to understand better the politics of international food industries, as well as the politics of various food choices, helped seed consumer demand for healthier and more organic alternatives, later widely adopted by mainstream grocery stores and restaurants.
“By the end of the 1970s, a distinct change could be discerned in the supermarkets and groceries of the Bay Area. Items formerly found only in co-ops or health food stores were appearing on the shelves. Large numbers of people sought out healthy alternatives to the “plastic” American food fare, as whole foods entered the mainstream. Cheez Whiz and Tang made way for rennet-less, low-fat cheddar and organic apple cider. Reaganism and a resurgent right-wing prompted many of the workers in the Food System to put their political energies elsewhere, such as in the growing anti-nuclear movement or in Central America solidarity work. Long hours for low pay also began to take its toll on Food System members. Most stores quietly disappeared, although a few hung on for quite a while. Today, the glowing exception to the demise of the People’s Food System is San Francisco’s Rainbow Grocery.”
Are you interested in the greater natural and organic foods movement in which Briarpatch played a small role?
Check out the “History of the Natural and Organic Foods Movement (1942-2020)” compiled by William Shurtleff and Akiko Aoyagi of the SoyInfo Center (co-authors of The Tofu Book and The Miso Book among others).