1977 Business and Right Livelihood Conference
June 3-5 - Green Gulch Farm, Muir Beach, California
June 3, Friday
- 12:00 – Convene and light lunch
- Welcome: Harriet Coffin.
- 1:00-3:00 – “Your Business” – 25-plus individual descriptions by the participants
- Moderators: Hazel Henderson, Bahauddin Alpine
- 3:00-3:30 – Tea Break
- 3:30-5:00 – “Your business” cont.
- 6:00 – Dinner
- 7:30-9:30 – “How and What We Learn From Business”
- Michael Phillips
- Discussion
June 4, Saturday
- 6:20 – Zazen (for those who wish to sit).
- 8:00 – Breakfast
- 9:00 – “Right Livelihood in the Context of Our Culture”
- Richard Baker-roshi
- 10:15 – Discussion
- 12:30 – Lunch
- 1:30-3:00 – “How Business Affects People”
- Michael Maccoby.
- Discussion
- 3:30-5:00 – Workshops
- Coordinators: Porter Brigs, Bob Schwartz, Carter Henderson, Nori Huddle
- 6:00 – Dinner
Musical evening with Paul Winter & David Darling
June 5, Sunday
- 8:00 – Breakfast
- 9:00 – “Business, Economics, and the Community”
- Panel: Gar Alperovitz, Tom Bender, Hazel Henderson, Bob Schwartz
- 1:00 – Lunch
- 2:00 – Clarify common goals. Look at possibilities for future action.
- Moderators: Michael Phillips, Marsha Angus
- 5:00 – Conference Ends
(32 Particpants, including hosts)
- Abby Rockefeller, Cambridge, MA
- Alan Green, Garden Way, Troy, NY
- Alice Tepper Marlin, Council on Economic Priorities, New York, NY
- Bahauddin Alpine, Briarpatch, San Francisco
- Bill Shurtleff, New Age Foods Study Center, Tokyo, Japan
- Bob Schwartz, Tarrytown Conference Center, Tarrytown, NY
- Carter Henderson, Princeton Center for Alternative Futures, Princeton, NJ
- Charles Albert Parsons, Briarpatch, San Francisco, CA

- David Darling, Litchfield, CT
- Dick Raymond, Portola Institute, Menlo Park, CA
- Don Cox, est, San Francisco
- Eleanor McCallie, San Francisco
- Eric Utne, New Age Journal, Brookline Village, MA
- Gar Alperovitz, Exploratory Project for Economic Alternatives, Washington, D.C.
- Harriet H. Doffin, Groundwork, San Francisco
- Hazel Henderson, Princeton Center for Alternative Futures, Princeton, NJ
- John E. Biersforf, Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies, Bloomfield Hills, MI
- Lane de Moll, RAIN, Portland, OR
- Marc Sarkady, Another Place, Greenville, NH
- Marsha Angus, Mill Valley, CA
- Michael Maccoby, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, DC
- Michael Phillips, Glide Memorial Church, San Francisco, CA
- Norie Huddle, Exton, PA
- Paul Hawken, One More Company, Inc., Menlo Park, CA
- Paul Hwoschinsky, Callanish Fund, Menlo Park, CA
- Paul Winter, Litchfield, CT
- Phillip D. Harvey, Population Services, International, New York, NY
- Porter Briggs, Briggs Associates, Little Rock, AR
- Richard Baker-roshi, Zen Center San Francisco
- Scott Burns, Brookline, MA
- Tom Bender, RAIN, Portland, OR
- Walter Forbes, Walter Forbes Company, Chattanooga, TN